Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Getting Back in the Groove

I'm trying to encourage myself here, because I don't have the energy to be angry again. I feel heavy-hearted and soul-weary, and I just need some things to hang onto here.
  • A new governor would not be able to change everything back to the way it was--not without good attention to process and building collaboration. I get the feeling that too many people were seeing the recall election as the immediate and magical antidote to Walker's changes. We have a constitution and laws, and making changes the right way should take time. So what we'd clung to was probably a pipe dream anyway.
  • The election didn't change the state, but this whole experience changed many of us. I have never seen so many people vote before. I felt inspired and overwhelmed to participate in voting today. I know many people who will never again do politics the way they used to. Look at how many people channeled their protest energy, anger, and frustration into more involvement in their communities. They are running for office, supporting candidates differently, having different kinds of conversations. We are changed, and we are better than we were.
  • It is up to us to begin healing. Yes, we are hurting. Yes, we want to lash out, especially at those who are playing the ninny-ninny-boo-boo game. Each of us must be the change we wish to see. It is up to us to reach out, to build bridges, and move forward in a spirit of collaboration with our neighbors and coworkers. We learned to work with others of us, despite the many differences between us. Surely we can look for ways to remember the humanity in our opponents and ourselves.
We didn't Recall Walker, but we can remember to recall our passion, our dedication, our new commitment and burning fire to make our part of the world a good and shining place. We are not the same people we were sixteen months ago. We are better. We are stronger.

Let's allow ourselves to mourn for a few days. Watch inspirational videos. Cry when you hear the bagpipes. Fondly remember living in the Rotunda. Look at your collection of protest signs. wonder what on earth this world is coming to. And then gather yourself together with the friends you've built. Find a way to dust yourself off. Let yourself move forward. And know that you are the heart of Wisconsin.

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