Monday, February 28, 2011

History Is... #wiunion #wearewi

My daughter and I went to the rally in Madison on Saturday. It was the biggest day yet, with around 100,000 people there. We had an amazing day as we went inside the Capitol building, marched around outside it, and stood outside waiting for the official rally to begin.

We were there partly as protesters but also as observers. With all the news coverage, we wanted to see what was going on as well as be part of it.

I loved watching my daughter soak it all in and be part of this big moment in history. At one point, we were walking up the Capitol steps. I looked at my daughter and said, "Honey, turn around. I want you to see all the people you're connected to right now." She turned around and saw about 80,000 people in the streets behind her. Later she said,"I know that I'm part of Wisconsin history now. I was born in Illinois, but now I feel like I'm part of Wisconsin and like it's a part of me."

And the fact that shortly after she saw all those people behind her, the band started playing the chicken dance and we shook our butts along with all those thousands of other Wisconsites, well, that helped make the day a bit fun as well as historical.

P.S. I've been tweeting so much about what is happening here that it feels natural and right to include hashtags in the blogpost heading.

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