Friday, June 17, 2011

Heart of Wisconsin

I shared this with Democracy Addicts on Facebook, and a couple of them encouraged me to put it in my blog.

Context: This week, the Assembly and Senate passed a budget that guts programs and will hurt people's lives in real ways, for a long time to come. I understand the need for fiscal responsibility. I could even be persuaded, perhaps, that some of the budget cuts are necessary. What has been especially hard for me has been the nearly complete lack of compassion and understanding and listening from legislators who support these cuts. I don't expect them to listen and then automatically change their minds. I do, however, expect them to listen and to respond in ways that acknowledge their constituents' views, concerns, and experiences.

Late last night, the Senate passed its version to send on to the governor. This morning, someone posted, "How are you all doing today? Who needs cheering up to get ready for the next phase of this fight?" I read this post on my cellphone as I was leaving Waukesha Public Library. All the way home, I thought about it, and when I got home I posted this:

Last night I felt heartsick and betrayed. Today, I am doing surprisingly well.

This morning, I woke up to a sunny southeastern Wisconsin day. I played with the dog, enjoyed my coffee, hung laundry out on the line, and was reminded that there will continue to be some normalcy, even as I adjust to how the budget will affect my own life.

Then I thought about those who spoke so passionately in the Assembly and the Senate on behalf of all who will be affected by the budget. Surely they knew that their words and passion would not affect the outcome--yet they still made the effort. Theirs are the words and speeches that will be remembered in years to come. Their persistence and compassion inspire me. If they can spend three weeks in various hotels and homes, stay up for hours fighting a battle they know they won't win, and still sound as passionate and dedicated as they did in mid-February, then I can certainly keep going for a while yet as we regroup and forge ahead.

And then, I came here, to find that someone I've never even met in person is caring enough to check in on all of us, to acknowledge the challenges and encourage us to move forward. And I know that the heart of Wisconsin beats onward.

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