Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I haven't blogged about my job much for various reasons--mostly that I still feel like I am learning what my job is. But thinking about how my initial goal of this blog was to illuminate one woman's experience, I'd like to say something about my job through that lens.

I work at a small Catholic women's college sponsored by a community of religious women (and by that I mean nuns). Some faculty and administrators are men, as are a very few nursing and graduate students.

I love being with so many women every day, and mostly, I find that I love the nuns. They are earthy, loving, and passionate. They have given their whole adult lives to God and to the transformation and education of other women. They support each other.

I've seen a sister reach out to hold the hand of a frightened student, and I've heard stories of smashing mice with shovels in the convent basement. They are committed to social justice and are not afraid of change. They both impress me and crack me up every single day. They teach me much about what it means to nurture, support, and encourage as a woman.

I have been blessed every single day by the sisters' presence in my life. I love when I experience a gift that I never could've anticipated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are in a great place.

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