Saturday, April 25, 2009

the big arms of God, part 2

How ironic that I wrote my last blog post about how the internet allows us to nurture and support each other. At that time, I was thinking about how the internet has allowed me to offer support to others. Little did I know that I was also writing about how those others can in turn support me.

Tonight, my son drove the SUV to a place he hadn't been, one town over. I've had an uneasy feeling about it all day, but I couldn't figure out why. He's been a good driver. He had to call several times on the way there because he couldn't find the place, but he eventually made it. I was incredibly relieved when he called to say he was on the way home. Around the time I was expecting him back, I got the call: "Mom, I had an accident." As hard as this was to hear, it was better than, "Ma'am, your son has had an accident."

Matt was anxious to get home and was taking a turn at 40 mph instead of the posted 25. He hit a utility pole. We have no idea what the damage is. And stupid, stupid me. Several years ago when I set up this account, I got the coverage we could afford to pay at the time. I fully intended to have Doug look at the coverage and update it if needed, but I completely forgot.

So our primary vehicle is undrivable and is being towed (as soon as the utility pole is repaired). I have no idea how we'll begin to pay for it. But my baby is okay.

While Doug was on the way to be with Matt, I quickly posted something on Facebook:

My son has had an accident, hitting a utility pole. Sounds like the car is totaled, but he is okay. Police car and fire truck are there. He's very shaken up. His dad's there with him now.

Within half an hour, eight of my friends had posted good wishes and prayers for us. These included the friend who used to babysit my kids, a woman I work with, my brother and his friend, and four women from HysterSisters who I've never actually met before. What a wondrous support. I am freaked out but feeling so supported and loved.

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