Tuesday, April 28, 2009

no words for my feelings

This is a hard, hard week for our family. How do we struggle? Let me count the ways:
  1. My son drove the SUV (our primary family vehicle) into a utility pole. It was entirely preventable. He wanted to see how fast he could go. Now he knows.
  2. When I bought our insurance policy a couple years ago online, I neglected to get collision insurance. I thought it was covered under comprehensive. My husband was working incredibly long hours, at the beginning of an extremely difficult year during which I rarely saw him and when I did he was exhausted. I intended to have him look over the policy and forgot. Big oops.
  3. The body shop got to $16,000 worth of damage and stopped counting. The SUV is dead, and we're only half-way through the expensive payments.
  4. My husband was laid off yesterday--the third layoff in just over two years.
  5. On the way to the body shop yesterday, our car stalled with some kind of transmission problem. We got it started again, but it was touch and go for a couple minutes.
  6. Summer is always an impossible time of year for us financially, as I don't get a regular paycheck then.
  7. Yesterday was our anniversary.
  8. Blah.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

OMG! Hopefully your son was okay. I mean before you hurt him so being so stupid! Don't you just want to shake your teens now and then and say, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!"

At times I think my kids were way easier to deal with when they were babies. At least I could control life then!

Keep your chin up.

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