Thursday, September 30, 2010

Resume Breathing

My husband is at work right now.  His first day on the job.  I am not alone in my house, but oddly, the house feels like my home again.

I'm kind of numb. After 518 days of unemployment (truly, I didn't count until it was over), it's hard to know how to feel. My body and mind have experienced all the signs of chronic stress and burnout. While I want very much to believe things will begin to better now, it's hard to trust that maybe everything will start to feel okay.

But today, right at this moment, life has a sense of hope. The house is quiet, his laptop is closed, the TV is quiet, and the cat is purring on my husband's chair. I think I've taken my first real breath in nearly a year and a half. Healing will be a process, but now it can begin.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I stumbled across your blog. Just wanted to say that I do understand, I was without a job for only 6 weeks but it was the most hellish, stressful, depressing nightmare I have ever known, worse than my divorce! It will take some time to come out of it, if it's anything like my experience, but give it time. The worst is truly behind you now. All the best to you and your husband, you can be proud that you weathered the storm together. When I was unemployed I was a single mother and had no one to hold me or reassure me, I hope you did that for your husband (and that he did that for you in turn). God bless!

Chris Taylor said...

Thank you!

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