Tuesday, February 24, 2009

onions have layers

I've been thinking a lot about the layers of my life.  Just like Shrek, I have layers.  Somewhere there is a core of me.  It has been covered up by so much of my life that I've forgotten who I really am.  And I've wondered if I got down to the core, would that person still bear any semblance to me?

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how all these different layers of my life intersect with each other, how some layers have been peeling back a bit to expose bits and pieces of all these layers to form a newly emerged version of me.  It's so late and I'm too tired to be articulate about this now--but I needed to put the words somewhere so I don't lose them.

I'm trying to figure out how to write about this, since I don't even have it figured out yet.  I had thought of explaining who I used to be and how that all got covered up.  That was feeling too negative, though, and I don't want to be negative.  So I'll come back to this and talk about the peeling back of layers--through my medical issues, through my iPod, and through Facebook.

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