Thursday, May 7, 2009

moving forward?

I'm actually feeling okay. I'm not worried or anxious. Quite frankly, this has me a bit worried. I've been so grateful for all my friends, virtual and otherwise, who are sending me good wishes and bringing me cards and things to brighten the day.

Doug isn't doing so well. Although he seems less depressed and sad this week, his temper is quicker this week. I know this is totally normal, but it makes it hard to feel good about being home. He hasn't started getting unemployment checks yet, and I wish that would get underway. It isn't much, but it helps some.

We had our remaining vehicle repaired last week. We had to get some alignment sensor replaced, as well as the tires and a seatbelt buckle. At least we have a reliable vehicle again. I'm in mourning for the Expedition, which is odd since I never liked it. Go figure.

I may be teaching a Facebook class for our continuing ed folks this summer. I doubt that it pays much, but it's something that would be fun and that I can look forward to.

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