Thursday, October 16, 2008

I got the blues in my belly

I was listening to a blues cd this morning, and one song started out with lyrics that really kicked me in the gut: "I got the blues in my belly, where there used to be some heat." It was one of those moments when a song really spoke to my soul. Obviously, I've been thinking a lot lately about the yet-to-be-scheduled hysterectomy, and I've been in a kind of mourning for my womb. This organ that was the source of so much joy in my life is now the source of sadness. So these words really got to me and made me think about how real and on-target the blues can be.

Turns out I was wrong, that I misheard it. The correct lyrics are "I got the blues in my bedroom, where there used to be some heat." Bummer. That's a totally different subject. I like my version better

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