Sunday, October 12, 2008

there is such a thing as too much information

After the last pregnancy, my bladder stopped being all it could be.  When the doctor and I were talking about the hysterectomy, I said, "Say, while you're in the neighborhood, is there anything you can do about my bladder?"  So now I have to have a bladder study done tomorrow.  With all the other medical procedures I've had during the past couple years, I've found it very helpful to go online and read the detailed information so I know what to expect.  I really don't like to be surprised.

Big mistake in this case.  I read about catheters, probes, urinating in front of people, and, depending on what they find, the possibility of having a monitor inserted into the rectum while having the clitoris pinched.  (Seriously--what does that tell anyone about the bladder??!!!)  I was dreading the test anyway, because having a too-full bladder is one of the things that typically triggers several days of discomfort and pain, but I may just die of embarrassment first before the pain ever kicks in.

Once the test results are sent to the doctor, she'll be able to figure out what she needs to do once she's inside and can estimate the length of time for the surgery--and that needs to be done before we can schedule anything.  After tomorrow, I don't think I'll ever be the same.

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